The Noble Act of Interceding for Marriage: A Hadith from Imam Ali (a.s.)

Amir al-Mu’minin said: The best intercession is to intercede between two people in marriage until they are united.
Source: Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 41, p. 222, no. 103

Interpretation of the Hadith

The hadith quoted above, attributed to Imam Ali (a.s.), the Commander of the Faithful in Islam, highlights the immense virtue of interceding for marriage. It emphasizes that facilitating a successful union between two individuals is an act of immense merit, akin to the noblest form of intercession.

Significance of Marriage in Islam

In Islam, marriage holds a sacred and esteemed position. It is considered a divine institution that not only fulfills the natural human desire for companionship and intimacy but also serves as a foundation for building a righteous society. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself emphasized the importance of marriage, stating, “Marriage is half of one’s faith.” [Sahih Muslim]

Interceding for Marriage: A Noble Endeavor

The hadith encourages Muslims to actively participate in facilitating marriages within the community. This can involve various actions, such as:

  • Introducing potential spouses to each other
  • Helping with marriage arrangements
  • Providing financial assistance to those in need
  • Offering guidance and counseling to couples

Rewards of Interceding for Marriage

The rewards for interceding for marriage are numerous and profound. These include:

  • Gaining Allah’s pleasure and blessings
  • Strengthening the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood within the community
  • Contributing to the establishment of righteous households
  • Witnessing the happiness and fulfillment of couples


The hadith from Imam Ali (a.s.) serves as a powerful reminder of the immense virtue of interceding for marriage. It encourages Muslims to actively participate in facilitating successful unions between individuals, recognizing the profound rewards that lie in this noble endeavor. By promoting marriage, we contribute to the betterment of society and strengthen the foundations of a just and harmonious community.

Additional Points to Consider

  • The hadith highlights the importance of considering the compatibility and best interests of the individuals involved in the marriage.
  • Interceding for marriage should be done with sincere intentions and a genuine desire to help others.
  • Respecting the privacy and autonomy of individuals involved in the marriage process is crucial.

Key Takeaways

  • Marriage holds a sacred and esteemed position in Islam.
  • Interceding for marriage is a noble act of intercession.
  • Numerous rewards are associated with interceding for marriage.
  • Muslims should actively participate in facilitating successful marriages.
  • Interceding for marriage should be done with sincere intentions and utmost respect for individuals involved.
Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
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