Home Daily Islamic Quotes Testimony of Imam Hassan Asgari (AS) in the year 260 AH …Testimony of Imam Hassan Asgari (AS) in the year 260 AH …Islam QuotesNovember 26, 2017Daily Islamic QuotesTestimony of Imam Hassan Asgari (AS) in the year 260 AHislamquotes.org(791)Imam Hassan Asgari (AS) says Worship is not a lot of fasting and prayer, but the truth of worshiping and thinking about God’s work Minds p.islamquotes.org NOTE: Translated with Google Translate Islam Quotes Articles: 2719 Previous Post islamquotes.org (790) Prophet Amir al -Mu'minin Ali ... Next Post The beginning of the Imamate of Imam Zaman.