@Rooziyekhadis Presshaya to take part in the march …



Is there a reason for the Qur’an and narrations to participate in the 22 Bahman and November 13 marches to argue with others.


God says in verse 5 of Abraham:

“Mention Ba’im Allah”

“Tell them and remind them of Allah”

It is said about the days of Allah that it is all the days that have been great in the history of human life.

Every day when one of God’s commands is so shining that it has overshadowed the rest of the affairs of Allah.

Every day when the right to promise is set up and there is offended all of them from Allah

In contemporary history, the glorious victory of the Iranian nation and November 13th and the conquest of the spy nest is an example of Allah, and it must be revived every year, and it is always one of these great days of Valuham.

Sample Commentary, vol. 10 p. 274

And also the Lord says:

«لا يطون مطاا يغيظ الكفار… الا كتب له مامل صالح»

Repentance 120

“There is no mass movement that makes the infidels angry … unless the reward is written for it.”

It is clear that participating in the passionate march of 22 Bahman and November 13th causes more anger and infidels to Islam.

On the other hand, one of the important issues that the Qur’an and the traditions have relying on is the necessity of disgust and hostility to the oppressors and the forces.

This is so important that God says in the 113 Hood:

“Do not rely on the oppressors to swallow your fire”

Prophet Amir said:

“Always be the enemy of the oppressors and the helper of the oppressed”

Nahj al -Balagha letter 47

In another narrative, it is stated that Prophet Jesus would do so:

“Do not reinforce the oppressor in his cruelty that your dignity disappears”

The meanings of al -Akhbar p. 196

The Prophet said:

“On the Day of Judgment, he calls on where the oppressors and the help of their people (those who have done the slightest thing to strengthen the oppressors are present)”) ””

Business reward, p. 260

Imam Sadeq said:

“Whoever reinforces the oppressor in the oppressed is constantly angered by God”

Al -Shi’a Al -Shi’a. 16 p. 57


“One who oppresses and the one who strengthens him and the one who is satisfied with their cruelty all three partners in oppression”

Al -Kafi C2 p. 333

Undoubtedly, participating in the marches that have been hostile to the oppressors is one of the clear examples of the traditions that if not, the oppressors will be strengthened in their oppression.


NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
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