@Rooziyekhadis (1445) Imam Ali (AS) …

Imam Ali (AS) says:

One of the advice of Loghman to his son was: My son!
The one who is a little certain of his certainty to God and his intentions is weak, must learn from the fact that God has given him to the three stages of his creation, without his own effort. Have.
So, God will give him a day in the fourth stage. . .
The first stage in her mother’s womb. . .
And the second stage was his mother’s milk. . .
And the third stage of his parents’ income gave him one day. . . Until he became great and understood and independently made money.
At this time, he became hard at himself and suspicious of his Lord and ignored the rights of God and the people of his property for fear of being inappropriate and not being sure to replace blessings from God and to his own property, and to take himself and his family in hardship. He made the bottleneck

Khawas, p. 122


NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
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