@Rooziyekhadis (1406) Imam Ali (AS) …

Imam Ali (AS) said:

One of the most hateful men to God is the Almighty for a slave, and may God be upon him, to himself, coming from the purpose of the path of the path, with other evidence, if he was called to the inheritance of the world, and if he is called, and if he is called to As if what he did for him is a duty of him, as if what I am in it is from him

One of the most hated people in the Almighty God is a servant that God has left him, goes out of the right path and moves guidance.
If it is called to the world of the world, it acts
And if it is invited to the hereafter, it will lazy!
It is as if it is obligatory on him, and what he does (the hereafter) has taken away from him.

Bahar Al -Anwar: Part 2, p. 58 h 37


NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
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