@Rooziyekhadis (1249) Imam Sajjad (AS) …

Imam Sajjad (AS) says:

So your mother’s right is to know that she has carried you in a place that no one carries someone else there,
And it has something to eat from your heart that no one eats.
And protect you and keep you with your ears, eyes, hands, hair, skin, and summary of all your hair.
And he was also happy and happy, and at the same time he was careful, at the same time,
And in the pregnancy, he bought and tolerated any pain, pain, heavy, and sadness,
Until the hand of your divine power graduated from him and brought it to the earth.

Since then it was happy to be full and he is hungry,
U dressed and she naked,
You are watered and he is thirsty,
And spread the shadow on you and be itself against the sun, and with your hardness to prosper,
And with your insomnia to sleep on you,

The mother of your inner container,
And his skirts are your place of peace,
And his breasts are your water container,
And his life has been your refuge.
And only for the sake of you, the world has become the cold and cold of the world, so do it as much as you, and you will not be able to help God.

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NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
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