(2001) Imam Ali (PBUH) says:
(2001) Imam Ali (AS) says: The mind is guided, saves, and ignorant…
(2001) Imam Ali (AS) says: The mind is guided, saves, and ignorant…
(2000) Imam Ali (AS) says: (A sign) Faith is that the truth…
(1999) Imam Sadeq (AS) says: God did not send any prophet, except…
(1998) Imam Ali (AS) says: The generous raises himself in everything that…
(1997) Imam Ali (AS) says: جِماعُ الشَّرِّ اللَّجاجُ و كَثرَةُ المُمارةِ The…
(1996) Imam Ali (AS). Charity is anxious, and the generous is the…
(1995) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: One of the signs of human happiness…