(992) attended the Imam of Al -Sadiq Tuberculosis …
Imam Al -Sadiq, peace be upon him, attended Mfremand

In expressing Loghman’s order to his son: O my son! If you need the king, do not insist too much and do not need his need except for the appropriate place of asking, and that is the time of his pleasure and vitality. And do not bother at the request of the need; Because it is to be fulfilled by God and it has time; But show interest in God and ask Him and give your fingers to him. O my son! The world is small and your life is short. O my son! Avoid jealousy, which is not in your dignity, and avoid the bad morality, which is not from your nature; Because you do not hurt yourself except with them, and whenever you are your own harm, you have lowered your enemies about your card; Because your hostility to yourself is more harmful than another hostility. O my son! Do your work for his people, and in that, ask God. (On spending) to be a middle -aged and avoiding poverty and misery (not to spend); But don’t spill. O my son! The server of the wise ethics is the religion of God Almighty. The parable of religion, like the tree is firm; Faith in God is its water and its prayers, and its zakat trunk, and a brother in the cause of God, and the good morals of its leaves, and coming out of sins, fruit. And just as the tree is perfected except with the pure fruit, religion is not complete except by coming out of the mandate. O my son! Everything has a sign that is known. Religion also has three signs: pure skirts, knowledge, and tolerance

Stories of the Prophets: p. 196 h 247,
Bahar Al -Anwar: C 13, p. 420 h 14.

NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

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