(522) Abu Basir said: To Imam Sadeq …
Abu Basir said: I told Imam Sadiq (AS):

Why did God create Adam without parents and Jesus without parents and other people from fathers and mothers?

The Imam said:
To find out all the power and perfection of his ability
And to know that he can create a creation from the mother only without a father
If it is able to create a creation without parents and get it
To know that he is capable and capable of anything

Sharia illness / p: 52

Prayer of the seventeenth day of Ramadan

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

اللهم اهْدِنی فیهِ لِصلِحِ الأعْمالِ واقْـضِ لای فیهِ الحَوائِجَ والآمالِ یَحْتاجُ الی التّفْسير والسؤالِ !

God guide me in it to good deeds and good deeds and my wishes and wishes that do not need a suite of interpretation and question, O know what is in the breasts of the world

Today Monday
June 22, 2016
17 Ramadan 1438
June 12, 2017

Mentioning today 100 times (or Judge Al -Hajjat)

NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
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