(2003) Imam Ali (AS) in Safa …
Imam Ali (AS) orders his son Imam Hassan (AS):

Certainly you will not achieve all your wishes,
And will not live more until death.
And you go on the way to the one who went before you
So be quiet at gaining the world,
And do good in consuming what you have achieved;
Because it may have been a great effort for the world to be looted.
So every effort will not come to the desired day
And not any tolerant will be deprived.
Self -esteem of any post, though it brought you to a prey;
Because you can’t get as much as the reputation you lose.
Be another slave that God made you free,
The good that is not achieved except with the evil is not good
And the comfort that comes with a lot of hardships will not be comfortable.
… If you could not have a blessing between you and God;
Because you receive your day, and you have your share,
And the small amount you receive from the glorified God is the greater and greater than the abundance of the servants you receive from the servants.
Although everyone is from God. …
Jobs with a cleanliness are better than the plenty of wealth to be achieved with sins

Nahj al -Balagha letter 31

NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
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