(2874) Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said:
(2874) Imam Sadeq (PBUH) said: God is the mountains of the Prophets, on the authority of their prophets. They never…
(2874) Imam Sadeq (PBUH) said: God is the mountains of the Prophets, on the authority of their prophets. They never…
(2873) Imam Sadeq (PBUH) said: Whoever knows God feared God and whoever fears God, his soul is dirty from the…
(2872) Amir al -Mu’minin said: All asceticism is between the two sentences from the Qur’an. God Almighty says, “Do not…
(2871) Amir al -Mu’minin said: The whole Every day that is not guilty of, The same day is Eid …..…
﷽ Seven Nahj al -Balagha islamquotes.org NOTE: Translated with Google Translate
(2870) The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: Tolerance with people is half of faith and it is…
(2869) Amir al -Mu’minin said: Life experiences aloneIt is enough to polite man …. Garr al -Hashim, Hadith 1 islamquotes.org…