islamquotes.org (1087) Amir al -Mu’minin Ali against El …
islamquotes.org(1087)Amir al -Mu’minin Ali (as) says Know and be aware of the reading of the Qur’an that is not contemplated.…
islamquotes.org(1087)Amir al -Mu’minin Ali (as) says Know and be aware of the reading of the Qur’an that is not contemplated.…
islamquotes.org(1086) Imam Ali (PBUH) says O servant of God! Do not accelerate the cruelty of one’s sin; Because he may…
islamquotes.org(1085)Imam Ali (PBUH) The truth is shown to you, if you have eyes,The guidance equipment is at your disposal, if…
islamquotes.org(1084)Imam Hussein (PBUH) says Right that I don’t see death except happiness and do not consider life with the transgressors…
islamquotes.org(1083) Imam Ali (PBUH) says Anyone who piety trees are guided fruits Bahar Al -Anwar 95/90/78 islamquotes.org NOTE: Translated with…
islamquotes.org(1082)Imam Mahdi (PBUH) says We will not be short of you and we will not forget you. Bahar Al -Anwar,…
islamquotes.org(1081)Imam Ali (PBUH) says Anyone who can keep his soul from four attributes, he deserves to never happen to him.…