@Rooziyekhadis (1287) Imam Kazim (AS) …
islamquotes.org(1287) Imam Kazim (AS) says: Estehihu م m ان n al -qi al -‘Alkam al -tashi al -nasas al -nasa…
islamquotes.org(1287) Imam Kazim (AS) says: Estehihu م m ان n al -qi al -‘Alkam al -tashi al -nasas al -nasa…
islamquotes.org(1286) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: Till you can empty the heart from the sadness of the world The middle dictionary,…
islamquotes.org(1285) Imam Ali (AS) says: The believer is the believer.Because he is thinking of him.And he eliminates his need.And he…
islamquotes.org(1284) Imam Hussein (AS) says: The mind does not complete except by following the truth The intellect is not complete…
islamquotes.org(1283) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: Anyone who does in the morning and does not want to do with the affairs…
islamquotes.org(1282) Imam Hassan Askari (AS) says: Hey, broadcasting, and asking for the presidency, so they call for the destruction. Lest…
islamquotes.org(1281) Imam Ali (AS) says: Whoever sleeps on the victory of his guardian is his enemy, his enemy Everybody’s asleep…