(1678) Imam Ali (PBUH) says: Al -Aqamal …
(1678) Imam Ali (AS) says: The factor is ignorant of the caretaker, on the other hand The one who does…
(1678) Imam Ali (AS) says: The factor is ignorant of the caretaker, on the other hand The one who does…
(1677) Imam Sadeq (AS) says: The one who loves you to go beyond its punishment is that it is necessary…
(1676) Imam Hadi (AS) says: Angry and harsh in front of the one who is unable to confront him is…
(1675) Imam Hassan Askari (AS) says: You are in the deadly deadlines, and the days are numbers, and the dead…
(1674) Imam Kazim (AS) says: Coordination with the people of religion is the honor of the world and the hereafter…
(1673) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: The first thing that is seen in the work of the servant on the day…
(1672) Imam Ali (AS) says The man is tested in his actions, not in his speech Garr al -Hakam, h.…