(1909) Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) says: Almumani Di …
(1909) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: The domain is playing for a play and the hypocrite is an angry. The believer…
(1909) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: The domain is playing for a play and the hypocrite is an angry. The believer…
(1908) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: The guidance is inherited by the affiliation, the brother Giving gives a friendship, makes a…
(1907) Imam Ali (AS) says: Blessed are those who seek advice to guide him, and avoid a background. Blessed one…
(1906) Imam Ali (AS) says: Whoever does not oppress his oppression Whoever oppresses, his cruelty will destroy him. Garr al…
(1905) Imam Sadeq (AS) says: One of the duties of the believer has to answer his call. One of the…
(1904) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: Al -Nasasi al -Nassad. The jealous man brings the least pleasure and joy of life.…
(1903) Imam Ali (AS) says: Diggling with the perspective of yourself, the shame is enough for you. Taking your disadvantage,…