(2011) Imam Ali (AS) says:
(2011) Imam Ali (PBUH) says: Liquid al -Nasasi al -Liki, and Menki al -Ma’mam, There must be the most hated…
(2011) Imam Ali (PBUH) says: Liquid al -Nasasi al -Liki, and Menki al -Ma’mam, There must be the most hated…
(2010) Imam Ali (AS) says: Speak to be known, because the woman is hidden under his tongue Say, to be…
(2009) Imam Ali (AS) says: The heart of the flesh in it and the tongue of the sane in his…
(2008) Imam Sadeq (AS) says: The servant is not a creator of God until the praise and the dignity of…
(2007) Imam Ali (AS) says; The careful is tired Greedy, always in suffering Garr al -Hakam, h. 3759 islamquotes.org NOTE:…
(2006) Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) says. Disclosure the secret of your brother is a betrayal, so avoid that.…
(2005) Imam Hassan Askari (AS) says: Whoever praises the entitled to the accused. Anyone who does not deserve a person…