(1997) Imam Ali (PBUH) says: Jama’ama …
(1997) Imam Ali (AS) says: جِماعُ الشَّرِّ اللَّجاجُ و كَثرَةُ المُمارةِ The foundation of evil, stubbornness and controversy 4795 islamquotes.org…
(1997) Imam Ali (AS) says: جِماعُ الشَّرِّ اللَّجاجُ و كَثرَةُ المُمارةِ The foundation of evil, stubbornness and controversy 4795 islamquotes.org…
(1996) Imam Ali (AS). Charity is anxious, and the generous is the one who has acquired it Benefit is a…
(1995) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says: One of the signs of human happiness is to have a righteous and good child.…
(1994) Imam Sadeq (AS) says: Cleans are a scholar who leads an unfair sultanate, appointed to him on his injustice.…
(1993) Imam Ali (AS) says: Ensure, oldness and envy are reasons for the obstruction of sins. Greed and jealousy are…
(1992) Imam Ali (AS) says: His oral, rhetoric, experienced world is inherited by the sorrow and tracked regret Indeed, the…
(1992) Imam Ali (AS) says: His oral, rhetoric, experienced world is inherited by the sorrow and tracked regret Indeed, the…