(3043) Imam Kazim (PBUH): La Tajlaswa …
(3043) Imam Kazim (PBUH): Do not sit at every scholar except a scholar who calls you from the fifth to…
(3043) Imam Kazim (PBUH): Do not sit at every scholar except a scholar who calls you from the fifth to…
(3042) Imam Sadeq (PBUH): The believer does not intend to sin, and he will be forbidden The believer, sometimes that…
(3041) Imam Sadeq (PBUH): My most beloved brother is someone to give me my flaws. Minds, p. islamquotes.org NOTE: Translated…
(3040) Imam Mahdi (PBUH): In the son of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him…
(3039) Amir al -Mu’minin Ali: O people! Lest hostility and opposition to me lead me to sin …. Disobedience and…
(3038) The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): Whoever seeks a patient in a need that he spent a…
(3037) Imam Ali (PBUH): His silence was on four: a dream, warning, appreciation, and thinking, but the appreciation is in…