(2899) Imam Hassan Askari (AS) …


Imam Hassan Askari (AS)

Those who believe in the absence, he said: They are believed by the mission, the enemy, the promise, and the good and the faith The tongue has called him faith, and from him a rivalry with the heart, and from it the performance, and from it support.

They are the ones who have acknowledged and believed in the Day of Resurrection, the Day of Resurrection, the Navid and the Vaid. In the Book of God there is a four -way faith: one of the types of confession in the language that God calls faith; The second part is the affirmation and belief by the heart; The third part is to express and express the fourth.

Interpretation of Bethlehem.
Bahar al -Anwar


NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
Articles: 994

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