Nights of Prayer
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says against Salawat Allah
Loving Ali (AS) is worship.
God does not accept any servant’s faith except by accepting Ali’s province and abstaining from the enemies of Ali
Cursing hearts c ۲ p. ۲۰۹
Prayer of the twenty -first day of the holy month of Ramadan
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Allah Almighty Ajayl Lee Fahi -e -Murzat -e -Dallala Taj -e -Lalshiyatan Fahi Ali Sabela Waji’a -ul -Jinnah Lee Manzalla, or Qazi Haji -ul -Talabin.
God, give me the guidance and guidance of the devil in it, give me a paradise for me and the university of the seekers of the seekers.
Today Friday
June 26, 2016
21 Ramadan 1438
June 16, 2017
Mention 100 times today (Salavat over Muhammad and Al -Muhammad)
NOTE: Translated with Google Translate