(3065) In front of Sajjad, peace be upon him: The believer will be …


In front of the carpet, peace be upon him:

The believer is silent for peace Aa, and it does not leave him life, if my zakat is afraid of what they say and seek forgiveness
God is what they do not know, the saying of those who ignorance, and he is afraid to count what he has done.

The believer is silent to stay healthy, and speaks to make a profit, does not tell his deposit to friends, and does not impose his evidence from the aliens, does not do any good work to show off and make it ashamed of others. If they tell him, he is afraid of what they say, and wants forgiveness for his hidden inappropriate deeds; He says that the one who is not aware of him does not deceive him, and is afraid of the statistics of what he has done. »

Bahar al -Anwar


NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
Articles: 2692

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