(3013) Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said:


Imam Sadeq (PBUH) said:

In the saying of God, the Almighty is: He seals with his mercy, whoever creates: He said: The one who is the one who has mercy on him is the Prophet of God A nine, and you will have mercy on him, with him, with Muhammad, may God bless him and his family), Peace be upon him) and their dignity (peace be upon them) and his mercy is one of his afflictions on the wickedness of the men.

They asked the Prophet what is the meaning of the following verse;
Allah the Prophet (peace be upon him); God allocates His mercy to anyone ….
They said: God has created a thousand mercy; The Nodaneh is a reserve for Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Amir al -Mu’minin Ali (peace be upon him).

Interpretation of the Prophet (peace be upon him).
Bahar al -Anwar, vol. 1, p


NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
Articles: 2710

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