(2998) Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said:


Imam Sadeq (PBUH) said:

Not everyone who loves to make the well -known to the people who make it, and not everyone who desires in it, he is able to do it The power, the ability, and the sake of the time, the happiness of the student and the one who is overwhelmed with it

It’s not like anyone who likes to do good to the people, do it! And it’s not like anyone who is interested in doing good has the ability! And it is not such that anyone who has the power to do good to the people will be given goodness! So whenever “asking” and “capability” and “permission” (by God) are gathered, it is if it is provided for the desired and desirable prosperity.

Bahar al -Anwar


NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
Articles: 2692

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