(2910) Imam Ja’far Sadiq (PBUH) said:


Imam Ja’far Sadiq said:

When people narrate that a good hour thinks of a good night, I said how to think, he said, he passes through the deception or the house of what is Do not speak.

Hassan Saqil says: I asked Imam Sadiq (as) about what people tell: (One hour of thinking is better than worship one night) and said: How do I think? He said: From the ruins or the houses that pass, say: Where are the residents? Where are your creators? Why don’t you speak?

Description: It is clear that the Imam (as) also acknowledged the narrative, and because thinking of an hour sometimes causes repentance of sins and worship of the whole life, hence the worship of one night and a year and seventy years, as in the traditions. I have heard better, and the Imam’s explanation in the first two sentences is that man does not overcome the transcendence of the world early and does not give it a self -indulgence to reduce his greed and greed, and among the latter. It is concluded that man realizes that God has created solid beings solid, unmistakable, so he is necessary to thank God for the blessings of life and reason, and may follow the result of the first two sentences.

Sufficient Principles of Volume 1 Page 1


NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
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