(2887) Amir al -Mu’minin said: …


Amir al -Mu’minin said:

The whole of the good is in the third of the looks of the view, the silence, and the words, so every look is not in it A mother, in which there is a male, is a lukewarm, a kind of kindness for those who have seen it, and his silence is a thought, and his words are remembrance The security of people is his evil.

All the good is provided in three things: to look; Silence; And to speak. So every look that is not an exemplary is an error; And any silence that is disintegrated is neglect; And whatever word that does not remember God is in vain. Blessed is that his look and his silence are thought of and his words, and wearing his sin and the people are safe from his evil.

Khasal c ۱ p


NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
Articles: 2709

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