(2882) Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said:


Imam Sadeq (PBUH) said:

Al -Hasan ibn Muhammad al -Dulmi in the guidance of the truth His absence from me, and I was tired of me, so God called to me, and he said to you with patience, so I used it. He said to her, not I say to you with patience, so I said, O Messenger of God His travel, so she got up, and he found him. The patience comes to the difference.

A woman arrived at the service of Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) and said: “My child has traveled and her journey has been prolonged and her visit has been severely visited in me. Pray for God sooner. The woman went and after a while the Imam’s service arrived and said that the absence of my child was prolonged. The woman said, “O son of the Messenger of God, how long do I wait?!” I swear to God that my patience was over, at this time the Prophet said to the woman: Come back to your house that you will see your child! The woman got up and came to her house and saw her son grabbed her and brought her to the service of the Imam, and said to the Prophet: “After the Prophet (peace be upon him), he will be revealed?” (That you are aware of the coming of my child who should have been through revelation) The Prophet said: No! But when the patience is over, it comes, when you said my patience was over, I realized that God had brought your child to the coming of your child.

District of Al -Shi’a Al -Shari’ah Issues, p.


NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

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Islam Quotes
Articles: 2686

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