(2867) Imam Sadiq (PBUH) said:


Imam Sadeq (PBUH) said:

On the Day of Judgment, God will leave his believer and command him to be close to His mercy. He gets closer until he puts his hand on it. Then the Lord shows him the blessings he had given to him and says to him, “Were you not to pray to my door on that day and that day, and I responded to your invitation?” Weren’t you asked for something that day and I resolved your wishes? Weren’t you asking me for help in that day and I helped you? Do you remember that you asked me to solve such problems and I resolved them and have mercy on you? Did you ask me wealth and I made you rich? Did you ask for a servant and I gave it? Didn’t you ask me to give you such a woman who had a high status with her family and did it? At this time the servant responds: Yes! My Lord! I asked you all that I wanted, as well as paradise from you. God says: I will give you what you asked me. Going to heaven is your right. Are you satisfied? At this time the believer answers: My Lord! You satisfied me and I was satisfied. Then God says: O my servant! I was satisfied with your actions. I like to give you the best reward. The best reward for me is to reside you in Paradise. This is the same as God’s statement in which it is said:

Bahar al -Anwar


NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
Articles: 2702

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