(2863) Amir al -Mu’minin said: …


Amir al -Mu’minin said:

So look at the sun, the moon, the prophets, the trees, the mosquitoes, and the stone, and the seduction of this This is the mountains, and the length of this is a disturbance, and the separation of these languages ​​and the disagreement, and the loyalty, Al -Mudhbar denounced, they claim that they are like the prophets, and they have no uniforms, and they are not disturbed by their images. Do they be a construct of others, or a garden from others?

So the thinker in the sun and the moon, the plant and the tree, the water and the stone, the day and night, the breakdown of these seas, the abundance of these mountains, the high of these stories, the diversity of these words, and the differences of languages. The one who does not accept the appreciation and deny the tactor. They have thought that they are like plants that have no farmers and are not productive for the differences of their faces, they have not cited what they have claimed (they have no authority) and did not investigate what they have kept. Can a building without a criminal or criminal?

Bahar al -Anwar vol. 1, p


NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
Articles: 2709

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