(2844) The Prophet (peace be upon him) says: One day the Prophet …


The Prophet (peace be upon him) says:

On the day of the Prophet (1), they were sitting among their companions. Their eyes fell to a powerful, powerful young man who was trying in the morning. The companions said, “Woe to him!” What if his youth and agility were in the cause of God?
Prophet (ﷺ): Don’t say so. If he strives for himself to needless people and does not extend his hand, he works in the cause of God. If he strives for his disabled parents or his disabled children, to manage them in need of life, his work is in the cause of God, but if he strives for wealth and pride, his work in the way of Satan Is.

White Hajj, c ۳, p.


NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
Articles: 2703

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