(2804) Imam Kazim (peace be upon him): Any.


Imam Kazim (PBUH) said:

God blessed and Almighty supported the believer with a spirit from him that you will bring him every time he improves and fears, and he is absent from him at every time he guilty and assaulted, as she is with him who shakes pleasure at his charity and dirty in the richness at his abuse. So, pledge to the servants of God, his grace, to reform yourselves, increase certainty and win a precious precious.

It is true that God blesses the believer in a spirit, and will return to him (the soul) at any time, and to pursue piety, and to absent from him at any time of sin and sin. To make and multiply. So that soul is with him, raises the server to his goodness, and fall into the heart of the earth with his sin … So, O servants of God! Commit to the divine blessings of your soul, to enhance the certainty, and to take advantage of the blessings of God … God bless a person who does not intend to do so, then act or evil, so prohibits evil. To be from it ….

Light of the two heavy, leather ۵, page ۲۷۱


NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
Articles: 2709

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