(2787) Imam Sadiq (PBUH) said: Religion and …


Imam Sadeq (PBUH) said:

Religion and the principle of religion is a man, and this man is certainty and faith, and he is the Imam of his nation and the people of his time.
So whoever knows him knows God
And whoever denys him; Denying God and his religion; And whoever does not know him has not known God and his religion. And the religion of God and His limits and laws are not known except for the same Imam.
That is why I say that knowing certain men is the religion of God, and the correct knowledge is the correct knowledge and knowledge of the insight by which the religion of God can recognize and achieve the knowledge of God.

Insights of the grades p.
Bahar Al -Anwar C ۲۴ p.


NOTE: Translated with Google Translate

Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
Articles: 2709

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