19 Inspiring and Thought-Provoking Sayings from Imam Ali (AS)

Reading 19 Inspiring and Thought-Provoking Sayings from Imam Ali (AS) can transform one’s perspective on life. Here, we’ve compiled over 19 hadiths from Imam Ali (AS) to offer guidance.

According to the Cultural News Report, the sayings of Imam Ali (AS) offer us profound guidance for life’s various circumstances. Many of these sayings can be written, framed, or kept in visible places to serve as constant reminders. May you also find enlightenment in these words.

Sayings of Imam Ali (AS)

  1. Of the Treasures of Paradise
    “Among the treasures of Paradise are doing good, concealing good deeds, being patient with trials, and hiding afflictions (meaning, not complaining about them).”
  2. Shorten Your Desires
    “O captives of desires, shorten your hopes, for those who cling to the world are not frightened by it except when they hear the gnashing of the teeth of the events of fate. O people, discipline yourselves, and restrain your soul from destructive habits.”
  3. The Essence of Asceticism
    “The true ascetic is one whose patience is not overtaken by forbidden things and whose gratitude is not diminished by lawful things.”
  4. A Fool by Definition
    “He who notices the faults of others and disapproves of them yet is pleased with them for himself—that person is a fool in the truest sense.”
  5. Moderation in Friendship and Enmity
    “Love your friend moderately, for they may someday become your enemy. Hate your enemy moderately, for they may someday become your friend.”
  6. Value of Gratitude
    “When the first signs of blessings reach you, do not drive away their ultimate gifts by a lack of gratitude.”
  7. A Person’s Value
    “The value of each person is what they excel at.”
  8. Seize Opportunities
    “Opportunities pass by like fleeting clouds; seize good opportunities.”
  9. The True Scholar
    “Shall I tell you who the true scholar is? It is the one who does not permit people to disobey Allah, who does not make them despair of Allah’s mercy, and does not let them feel secure from Allah’s wrath, nor abandon the Qur’an in favor of something else. There is no good in worship without understanding, no good in knowledge without reflection, and no good in reciting the Qur’an without contemplation.”
  10. The Wise and the Foolish
    “The tongue of the wise is behind his heart, and the heart of the fool is behind his tongue.”
  11. The Two Dangers
    “I fear for you two things: long hope and following desires. Long hope causes one to forget the afterlife, and following desires blocks one from the truth.”
  12. A Man’s Worth
    “A man’s worth is as high as his ambition, his truthfulness as high as his honor, his bravery as high as his sense of shame, and his chastity as high as his sense of dignity.”
  13. Choosing Friends Wisely
    “Do not make friends with the enemy of your friend, for you will make yourself the enemy of your friend.”
  14. Riches and Poverty
    “There is no wealth like wisdom, no poverty like ignorance, no inheritance like good manners, and no support like consultation.”
  15. Three Types of Patience
    “There are three types of patience: patience in adversity, patience in obedience, and patience in avoiding sin.”
  16. Contentment
    “Contentment is a wealth that never diminishes.”
  17. Understanding Difficulties and Prosperity
    “One who finds himself in straitened circumstances and does not realize that it may be a form of divine attention has wasted an opportunity. Similarly, one who finds himself in prosperity and does not realize it may be a test has found security in a fearful place.”
  18. The Tongue as a Beast
    “The tongue is a beast; if it is left unchecked, it will bite.”
  19. Death Over Dishonor
    “Better to die than to be humiliated. Persevere, not surrender. The days are two: one for you, and one against you. When it is for you, do not rejoice excessively; when it is against you, do not despair. For both will test you.”
Islam Quotes
Islam Quotes
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